Puninar Stabilitas Migas Masa Pandemi

Puninar tetap menjalankan distribusi migas untuk memastikan kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) tetap terjamin selama darurat COVID-19 . Selain BBM, Puninar juga dipercaya oleh beberapa perusahaan Migas untuk mendistribusikan kebutuhan Medical Gas seperti Oksigen, Nitrogen, dan Argon ke Rumah Sakit.
We’re always ready distribute your needs

Why choose our warehousing service?

Our warehousing services are known nationwide to be one of the most reliable, safe and affordable, because we take pride in delivering the best of warehousing services, at the most reasonable prices. Our own warehouses, as well as our partner’s warehouses are located at strategic locations to ensure that there is no additional cost you need to bear during and before transport of freight.

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